How Not to Tire your Tyres

Everyone knows tyres need to be replaced, but no one likes to be told they need four new ones. They are not exactly the most glamorous of things to spend money on, but sadly they are extremely important to the running of a safe car.

Tyres don’t last forever – we wish they did – but there are measures you can put in place which can help to avoid premature tire wear. This mean they’ll last longer which will save you time and money in the long run.

One of the first things you can do is rotate your tyres. It is recommended you should try to rotate the tyres on your vehicle once every six months, or 6,000 miles – whichever comes first.

Then there’s the tyre pressure to think about. Make sure it’s done on a regular basis and you stick to the manufacturer’s suggested specification. If your tyres are under inflated they will make uneven contact with the road which means there’ll be excessive wear on the inside and outside edges of the tread. Over inflated tyres mean there’s a smaller contact patch and that section will be more worn which can lead to a loss of traction and poor braking distances.

Make sure you keep an eye on any balance issues your car may have, which is often accompanied by steering wheel vibration. Improper balance can cause the tyre to wobble, which leads to wear.

Premature tyre wear is something you want to avoid. Instead, you want to do whatever it takes to ensure that your tyres last a long time. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can help you better understand your tyres, including the steps you can take to make them last as long as possible. Good balance also protects the suspension, steering system and bearings of your vehicle.

If your tyre has hit a solid object recently, such as a kerb, then it might have knocked the wheel alignment out, which means your tyres may not be making contact with the road correctly. If you’re unsure go and see Nigel at Automotive Engineering who would be happy to take a quick look.

Don’t forget your tyre valves either. They are usually made of rubber, so over time can deteriorate. It’s worth having them replaced when you have new tyres put on. This is an inexpensive way to protect your tyres, vehicle and yourself.